My One-Eyed Angel

It was during the Christmas holidays, and my husband, two children, and I went shopping in a larger city 100 miles away. There we met my sister and her husband. We had a full day of shopping and visiting, and not in a hurry to return home. The day had been cool but sunny. We had not heard any bad forecasts for our area. So when we left for home after 11:00 that night, we were tired but happy and not expecting any driving problems.

We had made it as far as 36 miles from home when it began to snow quite furiously, but the roads were O.K. The closer we got to home, though, the roads were worse, and the snow was coming down so hard we had trouble staying in our lane of the highway. My husband slowed down to 10 miles an hour, but still we had problems staying on the road. Unable to see the road and distinguish it from the ditches and canyons, I began to pray for help from my guardian angel. I asked for him to guide my husband through this terrifying time. I called on my husband's angel and my children's angels for help. I picked up our cellular phone and called my sister. They had made it home to another town with no problems. I asked for them to pray for us. Sis and her husband immediately knelt and prayed for our safety.

By now my husband's eyes were so tired of straining, we were weaving all over the road. It seemed we were the only ones on the road this late.  Suddenly from a distance behind, I spotted a headlight. It was coming at us at a remarkable speed considering the road conditions and heaviness of the snow falling. In a short moment it was right behind us. I told my husband that someone else must be just as insane as we were. Then around us came the headlight. As it zoomed past, we could tell it was an old pick-up with dents and little paint, and, of course, sporting one headlight. But as it moved in front of us, we could follow a definite set of tire tracks. The pick-up was still traveling faster than what we could keep up, and soon was out of sight. But we could now follow the straightest set of tracks right down the middle of the road. We followed them for several miles. The snow did not cover them. As we neared home the air cleared, and we could go faster ourselves. We never did see the pick-up going down the road, but we still followed the tracks. Then just as quickly as the headlight had appeared before, the tracks suddenly ended.

There in the middle of the highway those tracks ended. No turning, no exiting, no pulling off to the side, these tracks just ended. I looked at my husband and told him I knew who was in that pick-up. He looked at me with a surprised face and asked who. It was my guardian angel, or yours, or one of the children's. He shook his head affirmatively as we pulled into our drive. We both thanked God for our safe arrival, and for giving us our guardian angels. Even if it's a one-eyed one.

by Nola Jones

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